Crye -Leike Executive Realty now speeds up the house-hunting process in Southern Kentucky with a new real estate search for any cell phone.
Clients can view all of the homes for sale in the area with a new mobile app. Now it is possible to search all local property listings from any mobile device, regardless of whether it is listed by Crye-Leike or another broker or agent. Crye-Leike's mobile real estate search is the only house-hunting tool that works on 95% of cell phones across all carriers.
With Crye-Leike Executive Realty's application, interested home buyers can be in any neighborhood and view detailed property information at the touch of a button. The GPS technology in the mobile phone, when available, locates users and pulls up addresses and information on listings in their immediate area. Sales price, square footage, tax information, beds/baths, interior and exterior features, pictures and more become available instantly in the palm of their hand.
Consumers can also search by address, community name, city or zip code when GPS is not available, or if they want to search for real estate in an area other than their current location.
The “Call to See” feature within the mobile application will connect users to a Crye-Leike agent if they have questions or want to schedule a tour of the property.
This is one of the easiest searches to use and it gives consumers the information they demand in today's rapidly changing market.
Consumers can get Crye-Leike's mobile real estate search sent to their cell phone by clicking here or by texting BGHOMES to 87778 to receiving a text message with a link to download the mobile real estate application.
This fully downloadable application will work on hundreds of devices across Sprint, AT&T, T-Mobile and Verizon Wireless. A premium mobile web version is also available on 95% of cell phones. The fully downloadable application is free to download on Sprint devices, BlackBerry devices, the iPhone, and Google's Android G-1. The premium mobile web version is free to access.